

If you have a topic that you would like to see presented please do not hesitate to email our Executive. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. To send a comment to the Executive please proceed to the Contact page of this website


Q: Who are we?

A: We are the Manitoba Insurance Adjusters’ Association. Our association includes: company claims adjusters; both road and telephone, independent insurance adjusters and claims managers.

 Q: Who is the executive and what do they do?

A: Each year, at our Annual General Meeting in April, we elect members to form our Executive Board. The positions typically include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Member-At-Large positions. This year however we have revised the Member-At-Large positions to a Seminar chair and a Luncheon chair. Each position has its duties and we expect the highest level of dedication to each position. Our Executive works hard to ensure that our association’s goals and objectives are met. They ensure that education is offered throughout the year and that the education centers on our daily and general activities as claims representatives. The Executive set goals for our association each year and review these goals yearly to ensure they still benefit our members and association as a whole.

 Q: How do I elect a member for an executive position?

A: Each year at our Annual General meeting in April we host an election for these positions. If a member is nominated, another member must second their nomination in order to remain in the standings. Based on the number of people elected for the position, the Executive makes a decision based on whom they believe to be best suited for the role.

 Q: How do I become a member?

A: If you fall under the category of a claims adjuster including telephone adjuster or claims manager you may become a member. Just click here for our registration form. Complete the form, attach your payment and send it to the Associations Secretary for review and approval.

 Q: Where does my membership fee go?

A: Your fee is disbursed to many areas of our association. These include: website development, education seminars, insurance and administration fee's.

 Q: How ofter are seminars held?

A: We try to host a fall and spring seminar for our members and industry affiliates alike. These seminars are usually half-day seminars that offer approximately 3-4 education credit hours that are recognized by the Insurance Council of Manitoba.

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